Summary Statement

“I will strive to embody each of this every day SO THAT our team becomes the blueprint for team culture, efficiency, and innovation with a primary focus of delivering exceptional products and solutions that drive this company to succeed.”

Overseeing Technical Execution

I will promote and coach our developers to deliver a high standard of excellence when delivering technical solutions for business goals and initiatives SO THAT our products are of the highest quality, maintainable, scalable, and delivered to market on time.

“Perfection is the enemy of good but let’s deliver great.”

Leading by Example

I commit to the responsibility of representing our talented technical resources and their partners. Through continued self-awareness and servant leadership, I will hold myself to the highest of standards SO THAT my influence has a positive impact and we are a team focused on collective growth and flourishment while accomplishing the company’s goals.

“By growing your strengths into superpowers, we deliver the exceptional, together.”

Serving our Support Team

I will serve our Product/Project/Analysts/Managers by offering objective technical guidance and historic knowledge as it relates to their goals SO THAT they are confident in communicating and executing our shared company objectives and vision.

“Think like an Owner.”

Building Team Culture

I will foster a culture of mutual respect, collaboration, and continuous improvement within our team SO THAT we can achieve our goals together and maintain a positive work environment.

“A flourishing culture eats roadmaps for breakfast.”

Force-Multiply Leveraging AI, Responsibly.

I will spearhead fine-tuning AI models and pursue new AI capabilities with security and privacy top of mind SO THAT new advantages in how we work can be scale how we contribute to the company's success.

“AI requires a new way of thinking. There is an inconceivable amount of innovation and revenue to be made while everyone catches up.”

Converting Mistakes into Advantage

I will exercise "Extreme Ownership" and take full responsibility for my team's mistakes SO THAT we champion a culture of embracing failure as opportunities that uncover new innovation and/or increasingly more bulletproof against human error.

“How can I keep this from ever happening again or avoid it?”

Onboarding and Training our Developers

I will ensure our developers have the necessary tools, documentation, and support to be effective and productive from day one. SO THAT our team can maintain high efficiency and continually improve.

“Provisioned in the morning, coding that afternoon on your first day.”

Effective Communication

I will maintain open lines of communication with our team and stakeholders SO THAT everyone is informed, aligned, and able to work effectively towards our common goals.

“In a remote-first world, communication is a balancing act between all parties informed and reaching alignment while guarding against noise.”

Encourage Innovation

I will encourage creative problem-solving and support innovative ideas from our team SO THAT we stay ahead of industry trends and deliver cutting-edge solutions.

“Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity, not a threat.”

Staying Competitive

It is my responsibility to reinforce a development culture that is relentlessly evaluating emerging technologies and the current trends in technology SO THAT our software engineers as well as the company at large are growing pertinent new capabilities and remain competitive.

“There is safety in speed.”


By committing to these mantras, I aim to lead our team to new heights of success and innovation. Together, we will build a culture of excellence, collaboration, and continuous improvement that drives our company forward.